Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Quiver Overhaul Redux

The new stick deserved better representation. I got a new camera.


  1. How does that thing ride in bigger waves?

  2. Hey Jesse. Sorry I didn't see this until recently. Bigger waves? Heh. I don't know what those are. Seriously...been a very small/flat summer in New England and I've been on my noserider more often. With the fall having kicked off with Irene, I'm looking forward to finding out.

    Thanks for checking in!

  3. So how did it go. I'm in RI so I was curious how it went in this fall. I'm trying to decide between the MZ and the hot generaation. Thanks

  4. Hey Jesse.

    Well, take a look at one of my more recent posts for that answer. Decent sized close outs at 1st. I did have it out about a week ago in clean waist to stomach and it was a blast.

    I had the same conundrum and still might get a HG at some point. Brian says they're two different rides. The MZ is more of short longboard and the HG is a long shortboard.
